The Arts Center is not responsible for adult individuals, children or alcohol served. Event-holder assumes responsibility.
Depending on your event involvement, a deposit may be required – amount is president’s discretion. If required, your deposit is due upon event approval. For business events or occasions designed for profit, a donation is requested. Donations are encouraged for all facility usage.
You may be asked to sign the Building Use Policy as a compliance upon approval of your event. You are responsible to comply with these extended guidelines as well as the standard Facility Use Rules posted in Classroom and Gallery.
Arts Center General Members and Non-members must be sponsored by an Ambassador with key-holder privileges. One will be assigned if not part of the event request already.
If you have any questions, please contact the President: Jen Pierce at president@flcarts.com or text/call 931-652-2391 at least 1 week prior to requested event date.